Agricultural Pineapple and Beef Cattle Production (Family Business) (Jan, 1989
–Dec, 1994) at Hilltop Pineries (PTY) Ltd, Ncera, East London, South Africa
Grew up on a pineapple and beef cattle farm family business learning the complete pineapple production processes and beef cattle farming systems and management.
Pineapple production
Complete pineapple production process including soil preparation methods and soil erosion protection, crop planting systems, grass and weed control, herbicide and pesticide control, fertilizing, plant growth methods, harvesting, fresh fruit supply to canneries and markets locally and international export, packaging in fully equipped packing sheds (10 000 boxes per week), marketing and advertising, transport systems, book keeping processes, manual record keeping, crop planning, staff management processes, fleet and equipment management processes.
Estimated farm size: 3000 hectares
Estimated cayenne pineapple plants in crops: 42 million
Estimated annual tonnage produced 16 000 tons.
Cattle production
Beef cattle production including grazing control, pest control methods, weekly dipping, disease control medicines and inoculation, general herd keeping.
Herd of 300 Bonsmara and Afrikaner cattle