I am Ma. Mimosa M. Villanueva, 53 years of age, married, of good health and of good moral character had the intention to be your Teacher.
The primary purpose of my intention is to signify my willingness to be a part of this office In my more than 20 years of experience, I’ve encountered diverse learners and able to carry out effective employee.
I may create my own lessons using PowerPoint presentations, MS Word documents, Canva, and educational websites as a tool for online teaching that can serve as my students' primary learning resources.
I am a expert teacher and tutor, and I can guarantee that my pupils or learners will gain the knowledge and values as well because I have a variety of teaching methods and strategies under my belt.
I hope I would be able to impart my skills and gain additional knowledge for students in your institution. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Social Studies Beginner-Expert
Political Science Beginner-Expert
Computer Beginner-Expert
Government Beginner-Expert
English & Personalilty Development Beginner-Intermediate
No experience mentioned.
AB Political Science (Jun, 1986–Apr, 1990) from Lyceum of the Philippines University, Intramurus Manila