I am Pradeep, Senior Epidemiologist with over 23 years’ international research and teaching experience working in the field of epidemiology/biostatistics/public health/health services research with various clinical and academic stake holders and have over 70+ international peer-reviewed publications in high impact journals.
My past affiliations include adjunct positions at
Senior Epidemiologist, National Environmental Agency, Singapore
Senior Principal Epidemiologist, National Healthcare Group, Singapore
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore (lkcmedicine.ntu.edu.sg)
Geriatrics Education and Research Institute, Singapore (http://www.geri.com.sg/About-Us) and
Visiting faculty at Faculty of health and medical sciences, University of Adelaide.
I have over 23 years international experience in the design and analysis of epidemiology research and teaching, co-authored more than 70 publications
Average citations per manuscript: 67, Average impact factor: 3.66
Domain expertise: Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health outcomes research, Evidence synthesis.
Skills – Teaching epidemiology, biostatistics, Epidemiological study design, statistical analysis, evidence synthesis and scientific writing
Senior Principal Epidemiologist (Mar, 2023
–Mar, 2024) at Environmental Health Institute, National Environmental Agency, Singapore
I supported the ongoing Vector borne disease surveillance which includes Dengue surveillance efforts of the institute.
I designed studies, analyze and prepare manuscripts for publication.
I conducted in-house training programs in epidemiology and biostatistics.
I worked on grant proposals.
Head, Evidence Synthesis Group (Jan, 2020
–Mar, 2022) at Geriatrics Education and Research Institute, Singapore
I headed the "Evidence Synthesis Group" at Geriatrics Education and Research Institute (GERI), Singapore. My responsibilities include:
Oversaw evidence synthesis projects at GERI
Provided expert advice in designing, conduct, managing and publishing reviews
Trained ESG staff on various evidence synthesis methods, epidemiological study designs and biostatistics
Provided epidemiological and statistical advice to clinical stakeholders.
Adjunct Senior Lecturer (Feb, 2013
–Mar, 2022) at Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
I was involved in developing team-based learning (TBL) curriculum for epidemiology, public health, and health promotion modules.
I conducted the TBL teaching sessions epidemiology, public health, and health promotion for medical students.
Honorary Visiting Lecturer (Feb, 2011
–Oct, 2023) at Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide
As a faculty in the health sciences department, I peer review publications in Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Evidence synthesis journal, ascertain their suitability based on scientific and technical merit.
I am also review of post-graduate student's thesis at the faculty of health sciences, University of Adelaide and involved in teaching at research schools organized by JBI.
Senior Principal Epidemiologist/Assitant Director (Aug, 2008
–Mar, 2022) at Health Services and Outcomes Research, National Healthcare Group, Singapore
I worked with clinical stakeholders on collaborative epidemiological research projects which included primary studies and systematic reviews.
I was also involved in conducting clinical leadership training programs in epidemiology, biostatistics, and evidence synthesis for post-graduate registrars. Besides this, I was a faculty in department run courses for health services research, health technology assessments.
I conducted evaluation of disease management programs.
I worked on grant proposals and published research findings in peer-reviewed journals.
Evidence Based Medicine Analyst (May, 2007
–Jul, 2008) at Clinical Trials and Epidemiology Research Unit, Singapore
Involved in collaborative research with clinical investigators on primary & systematic review projects
Conducted courses in EBM, biostatistics & epidemiology, research design & quantitative methods for post-graduate researchers
As a faculty of Singapore branch of Australasian Cochrane center faculty, co-facilitated workshops on Cochrane systematic reviews.
Worked with Ministry of Health, Singapore in conducting Clinical Practice Guidelines workshops for various review groups.
Supported the Ministry of Health in Clinical Practice Guidelines writing & development programs.
Consultant Epidemiologist (Mar, 2006
–Apr, 2007) at PharmARC Analytical Solutions Pte Ltd, Bangalore
Provided epidemiology / bio-statistical consultations for primary research studies
Estimated disease burden in various therapeutic areas for MNC pharmaceutical companies
Forecasted disease forecasting for estimating market size
Conducted literature search, preparation of systematic reviews and meta-analysis of research literature
Consultant Epidemiologist (Jan, 2001
–Feb, 2006) at Vision Research Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai
Was involved in the design and conduct charge of the third largest ophthalmic epidemiology prevalence survey to estimate the prevalence of glaucoma & diabetic retinopathy.
Was actively involved in the study design, data management, sampling methods and data analysis of the results of the surveys
Supervised graduate optometry students, research assistants, and volunteers
Designed and field-tested questionnaires for clinical research
Organized and managed data sets for research projects, quality control of data collection and interpretation
Participated in writing manuscripts, assisted with writing grant applications, co-authored research papers and abstracts at scientific meetings
Research Fellow (Apr, 2000
–Dec, 2000) at Community Health Department, Christian Medical College, Vellore
Worked for a DANIDA funded “Reproductive Tract Infection survey” which was carried out in 3 randomly selected districts of Tamil Nadu.
Coordinated field epidemiology, data collection and analysis.
Doctorate in Medicine/Epidemiology (Feb, 2015–Dec, 2018) from The University of Adelaide
Masters in Science (Epidemiology) (Jun, 1997–Mar, 2000) from Christian Medical College, Vellore
Bachelors Degree in Siddha Medicine and Surgery (BSMS) (Jul, 1992–Oct, 1996) from Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai
Fee details
Quick consultation, less than 3 hours, rate would be 4000 INR per hour, long consultant exceeding 3 hours would be 2500 INR per hour