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Farhat M ShaikhTajweed and WTW Qur'an teacher
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Assalamu alaikum Alhumdulillah I am a Tajweed and WTW teacher. I take only female students.. I am specialized in teaching Qur'an through English language. I teach Tajweed, Arabic grammar for understanding Qur'an, Seerah of Nabi SAW, Stories of Prophet and Islamic studies. I also take weekend classes for working women who wants to learn Quran but dont have time during week. I am patient and preservance, able to adapt different teaching methods to bring out best in every student. I believe every person has been blessed differently by ALLAH SWT. So lets join hand together to learn the Book of ALLAH SWT. May Allah make learning and teaching Qur'an easy for us Aameen.
Tajweed and Quran Intermediate
Arabic (Grammar) Beginner-Intermediate
Tajweed head (Dec, 2020–Present) at Qur'an the Truth foundation
Alhumdulillah I am a Tajweed and WTW teacher specialized in teaching through English language. I teach Arabic grammar based on Dreamz Incentives of Ustadh Nauman Ali Khan. I also take Seerah of Nabi SAW.
Tajweed (Jan, 2017–Dec, 2018) from Qur'an Revolution