Occupational therapists help children and teens with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD), sensory processing disorder, or other developmental delays build their skills in everything from handwriting to hand functions . OTs draw from sociology, neurology, anatomy, and psychology to create a personalized plan that targets each child’s unique physical and mental challenges, aimed at improving daily function and overall quality of life.
99% client retention rate.
12 years of experience
3 years of tele rehabilitation
Handwriting without tears Certified
Sensory Integration certification
Sensory Enrichment Therapy certified
Areas to work:
Areas to work: Developmental delay, Autism, ADHD, ADD, Coordination disorder, Learning disability, Language and behaviour concerns, attention issue and writing disability, handwriting improvement, Gross and Fine motor skills, Cognitive Rehabilitation, and Physical Exercises assistance can also be given to Pediatric Neurological cases like Brachial Plexus Injury, Hemiparesis/Hemiplegia.
Sr Occupational Therapist (Jun, 2012
–Present) at - Self employed
Guidance and Therapy Sessions in Online/Offline mode for Neuro Divergent Cleints or those whith acquired or developmental cognitive concerns
Fee details
Fee varies for Therapy, Assessment, Home Plan and Time given per Individual.