Lead Software Engineer (Jul, 2018
–Present) at Freshworks chennai
Expert Quality Assurance Engineer with 6+ years of experience in the IT Industry. I help my team to build confidence in shipping the products and services to various customers. Currently working as a Test Engineer (Automation) at Google, Bangalore.
Here are a few examples of my work:
• Listen and understand the client's goals, understand the environment and design better test strategies, and prepare valid test cases. This helped to detect the flaws in the software before any client or a customer discovers it
• Utilized my exceptional observation skills and out-of-the-box thinking to find some critical bugs
• Gain domain expertise to enable the developers and testers to build better products
• Developed a UI Test Automation framework from scratch using Selenium, Java, and TestNG framework, which helped the team to convert more than 200 functional test cases into reliable and fast automated scripts
• Reduce manual test execution time of the Regression suite from 5 days to less than a day by building and optimizing the automation framework and enabling parallel execution
• Enhance existing frameworks by applying Java OOPS concepts. Improve script reusability and maintainability
• Combine the features of different frameworks like Rspec, TestNG, and data-driven model to build a hybrid framework to enable test execution in desktop and mobile
• Automate REST APIs using Rest-Assured and HTTP-client and combine them with UI automation to automate a complete flow.
• Integrate API automation suite into the CI/CD pipeline and complete the build in less than 5 minutes.
Technical Skills & Tools: Java, Selenium Webdriver, Data-driven framework, TestNG, XPath, CSS selector, Listeners, REST API testing, Postman, Rest-Assured, JMeter, SQL, Maven, Jira, TestRail.
Additionally, I am interested to explore performance and security testing. Self-learning of the JMeter tool enabled me to configure the tool for testing the performance of an application under heavy load. Acquiring DevOps/ CICD expertise is another item on my list.
When I don't work, I am a travel and trekking enthusiast. Planning to explore diverse destinations in India and across the globe.