Jeanie A level and IGCSE Maths
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Do make sure that students are fully committed when they have decided to sign up for classes.

Learning atmosphere: Friendly and approachable.

Generally, approximately 92.5% of students were able to obtain at least a B after attended the classes.
Also, I have quite a number of cases where students improved drastically from grade C to A.

Make sure that students are well-prepared all times as pop quizzes will be conducted in a weekly basis. Also, students would be trained to keep in track with timing in answering questions.

Quotes to share: "PRACTICE makes PERFECT."
"DO the RIGHT things and MAKE things RIGHT."

Thank you.


  • IGCSE Mathematics

  • AS & A level Mathematics

  • IGCSE Additional Maths 0606


  • A level Maths Lecturer (Jan, 2013Jun, 2020) at Sunway College, Malaysia


  • Master of Applied Statistics (Jan, 2009Jun, 2010) from Universiti Putra Malaysia

Fee details

    RM120150/hour (US$26.9733.71/hour)

    Additional fee - Transport fee: RM50


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