I am usually result oriented person and and always bent on using different methods to make sure my student reflects my capabilities I will see to it that my student follows the subject thoroughly and will repeat till the students follow. No discrimination between clever and dull students. Dull one will catch up. See to it that students will find more and more opportunities to understand and will have good interaction in the class. They will express and explain and expand and evolve. They will be eager to attend my class regularly .
Kannada Beginner-Intermediate
Mathematics & Statistics Intermediate
Physics (1st and 2nd PUC)
Lecturer I. Physics (Aug, 1988–Mar, 1994) at Revanasiddeshwara educational trust
Taught physics and maths for first and second puc classes Head of extra curricular activities.
B. E. MECH (May, 1980–May, 1980) from Govt B. D. T. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DAVANAGERE–scored High distn
B. E. MECH (Jun, 1976–Sep, 1980) from B. E.–scored High distn