Duration: 20 days, 20 hours
Delivery mode: Online
Group size: Individual
Instruction language:
Certificate provided:
Steps to create Test Automation Framework using Appium, Cucumber, TestNG:
1. Install updated Appium Server and setup
2. Install updated Appium Inspector
3. Create new project
4. Install plugins -TestNG and Cucumber
5. Create an maven project -as we are going use maven as build tool
6. Add dependency in POM.xml
7. Create resource folder under test
8. Add package structure under test/java
9. Create a feature and writing test scenarios following the BDD rules
- Add Plugins: Cucumber for Java
10. Identify appPackage and appActivity details
11. Write DriverFactory -Initialize Driver
12. Write TestNGRunner file
13. Run the feature file to generate step definitions
14. Use step definitions
15. Identify objects
16. Create PageObject class following Page Object Model
17. Create Utility class to interact with device
18. Write automation code in Page class
19. Integrate the page class and step definition
20. Run the code
21. Add Reporting -Extent Report
22. Configure POM.xml to run from command prompt. And codebase can to integrate with CI/CD
23. Show the Report