Mrs. Ammar Teaching
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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu..
Iam a graduated memorizer of the Noble Quran and a thajweed teacher. I teach thajweed from beginner to expert level. I also will be doing the ijaza for jazariyyah and thuhfathul athfaal. These two ijaza certifies that one knows all the thajweed rules in the Noble Quran, and it is also the most important certification of the Ijaza of the Noble Quran. I have been teaching for around 5 years.
Online and offline. Students can travel to me or I can teach them online. Timings and the fee can be adjusted according to the students availability. Students from age 5 to grown ups can join. And I also take lessons from women above 50 years. My intention is to teach the Quran to the ummah of Rasoolullah (sal) and put into practice in my life and also help my students to practice in their life. I pray to Allah that he accept this sincere kidhmath I'm doing for his Dheen and Quran..
AAMEEN.. Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakaathuhu.


  • Thajweed Beginner-Expert

  • Quran & Tajweed Beginner-Expert

  • Ijazah of Children Bequest (Tuhfatul Atfal) Beginner-Expert

  • Ijazah of Al-jazareyyah Beginner-Expert

  • Hifz Quran Beginner-Expert


  • Teacher and associater. (Apr, 2017Apr, 2021) at Darun Niswan
    Teaching experience of Hifz of Quran and thajweed for bigginers to expert level.


  • Hafila (Apr, 2014Jul, 2019) from Darun Niswan colombo

Fee details

    රු1,5005,000/month (US$4.9816.59/month)

    According to each subject


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