As a yoga practitioner I strive to discover the potential inherent within me and as a Yoga teacher my purpose is to help people to discover the potential inherent in every individual.
"A concentrated, yet relaxed mind, can do the most intense work for long periods of time without tiring. It is less disturbed by both outer and inner distractions and able to remain focused on the work in hand."
Hence the Yoga module is framed with a focus on:
· 1. Acquiring good physical health to boost the immune system;
· 2. Good mental and emotional balance to maintain clarity, happiness, harmony, contentment, positivity and creativity
A normal session of 1hr 15 min would include the following
Shantipath : 10 Mins
A mantra for peace and prosperity, which is traditionally said at the end of every yogic session to infuse the body and mind with positive feelings and vibrations. (optional depending on the participants belief and culture)
Loosening up asanas: 10 mins
The asanas or postures that liberate the principle of movement. This movement can be observed in the activity of the muscles of the body which, at the same time, are responsible for the movement itself. Movement is seen in the circulatory process responsible for the nutrition, oxygenation and elimination of waste products of the body.
Surya namaskar & other asanas : 15 mins
Asanas bring about harmony in the functioning of the various other bodily systems, which are closely 'interwoven, such as the circulatory, nervous, respiratory, and digestive systems.
The practice of asana with body and breath awareness, keeps the mind off tension and worry, at least during the practice. However, the temporary relaxation achieved during the practice, gradually builds up to bring permanent changes in one's mental and emotional makeup. As our mental attitude is reflected in our body, in the same way physical poise achieved during the practice of asanas has a corresponding effect on the mind.
Pranayama : 15 minutes
Pranayama is the perfect control of the life-currents through control of breath, and is the process by which we understand the secret of prana and manipulate.
Meditation: 10 minutes and
Deep Relaxation and closing : 15 minutes
Meditation is a system of relaxation, but mere sitting on a chair is not necessarily relaxation. This is a misinterpretation of the word relaxation. One may relax the physical body but the mind may still be quite disturbed. Relaxation does not mean sleep, nor does it mean physical stillness. Relaxation is a condition which pertains to the mind. When the tense conditions of the mind and emotions are absolutely absent, then one is in a state of relaxation.
No experience mentioned.
Fee details
Group Classes - ₹1,500 per month (Weekly 3 days)
Individual classes (₹350 - 1000)