Catherine Translation, English, Chinese
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我有經營自己的YouTube頻道,從2023年四月開始做YouTube Shorts(YouTube 短影音)我的頻道目前單一個短影片流量有不少落在1000多-7000多,我的頻道內容生活、多元化,主要是介紹吃喝玩樂和分享美好有趣新奇的東西之類的,內容多元化!

【自我介紹】 我有多元化又傑出的直播帶貨(之前在蝦皮上做過直播帶貨的工作!)和網紅短影音行銷等相關的經驗然後表現都很傑出,我的直播風格很輕鬆愉快、有趣幽默又自然生動也很活潑等等,我也本來就喜歡分享美好或有趣、有特色之類的東西、事物!帶貨過或拍影片行銷宣傳過的商品從各樣食品包含零食以及各種FMCG民生用品包含各大通路知名的清潔劑、洗衣精、台北市知名珍珠奶茶(青蛙撞奶)老店、合作過的商品也有保濕亮白的生物纖維面膜、沐浴乳和洗面乳(有聯合利華旗下的知名洗面乳)跟日本知名髮品品牌h&s 也就是海倫仙度斯的頭皮按摩霜跟多功能兒童桌子和可愛的兒童小沙發座椅、宅配零食和冷凍食品(包子和饅頭等!)洗衣精跟奶瓶清潔 ,還有各種美甲相關產品(屈臣氏有門市通路的美甲產品)和腰果、開心果、核桃、綜合堅果、防蚊液、夏日涼感噴霧、保養品中的精華液和乳液等等的相關產品,也有隨身可攜帶又有蓋子的小梳子和跟全球熱銷100萬隻的負離子高科技的Lafien吹風機台灣代理公司合作過,還有跟廠商合作過的產品包含無線充電和口罩消毒器、無線充電器等的科技產品和跟醫美合作的保養品的經驗以及各個店家,合作過的包含餐廳、食品店家或是3C產品店或是DIY手作課程等等都有!我的網紅行銷或是部落客行銷跟直播帶貨的機會非常豐富,而且重點是除了流量、按讚數不錯以外,也有幫廠商把幫廠商宣傳商品的業績和知名度等因為我的宣傳業績翻很多倍!我個性健談、樂於分享美好的事物,善良又健談且幽默風趣搞笑,中英文雙母語,還會日文和韓文,興趣是聽音樂和看影片和看日本動漫片和鋼琴和玩創意和出國旅遊還有學習新的東西包含學過做翻糖蛋糕和造型香氛蠟燭以及烹飪課等(興趣廣泛和多元也多才多藝)(曾經出國超過10次,去過的國家包含:美國、土耳其、泰國、新加坡、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、印尼-峇里島等...)。我以前學過爵士鋼琴也就是流行音樂鋼琴,國小是弦樂團拉中提琴,小時候創意立體風景畫有被拿去兒童美術館展覽過!


個性活潑開朗、陽光幽默有趣,喜歡分享美好和有趣、新奇之類的事物!頻道內容多元化,影片風格:自然、活潑生動、親切、輕鬆有趣等等👍我很有Freestyle ,很Real(很真誠)也很做自己!


I am a YouTuber. I am a native speaker of Chinese. I have Chinese teaching experience. I love teaching. I love to help others. I am very outgoing and energetic. I am also very friendly. I like to chat with others. I like children and I get along with children well. I am willing to help students to improve their Chinese. I joined the 2013 Chinese Composition Competition and I won third place. I love to travel abroad. I specialize in teaching Chinese conversation and speaking. I am good at encouraging students. During the Chinese conversation lesson(Free Talk), you can talk about your interest and I am will to listen and I will translate what you said into Chinese to teach you some Chinese words. We can talk about many topics just like friends are chatting with each other. Or If you want to use an electronic book to learn Chinese speaking then that is also ok because I will prepare the book for you. I have a student who is 5-grade years old and he went to an international school for five years and he originally didn't like Chinese at all and speak Chinese. However, after my first lesson then he likes my lesson a lot and didn't want to leave the online classroom though the time was up. Moreover, his parents want me to be their son's long-time Chinese teacher. I do keep teaching this child every week. He has become more willing to learn and speak Chinese. Please feel free to book my class. Hope to see you soon.

My name is Catherine Huang. I graduated from Shih Hsin University with a major in English. I am very outgoing and energetic. I am very willing to help people and I am also willing to learn new things. I like to listen to music and travel abroad. I have been to more than 10 countries. I also played a very active part in our school, getting myself involved in various extra-curricular activities. Most of my friends tell me that I am a reliable, hard-working, kind, and warm-hearted person. I worked as an interpreter volunteer for an international sports event that was held in Taiwan. I took some business classes and I scored over 80% in each class.

Taipei Model United Nations Competition-First Place (Best Delegate) in 2015 and I surpassed those coming from National Taiwan University and National Chengchi University, they majored in Political Science and diplomacy.

I joined a Nation-Wide Chinese Composition Competition and I won third place in 2013.

.Newspaper Club- I took part in both the Public Relations Department and I was the first person who came up with the idea of getting a sponsor from a Korean cram school. Moreover, I helped the club get a sponsor with a great amount of money by selling the advertisement areas of our school’s newspaper and newsletter.
.Children’s club- Event General Coordinator. I held some volunteering work including accompanying children who are in need at a hospital and teaching at an Elementary School for a year with my club members.
.Piano Club- Director of Graphic Arts and Event General Coordinator.
.English Corner Club-Language Exchange with Exchange Student from America. Through the interaction with them, it helped me to understand different cultures and mindsets. It has broadened my international outlook.

My right wrist was broken(bone fracture) in November 2019.


  • English Beginner-Intermediate

  • Mandarin Chinese Beginner-Expert

  • Chinese Beginner-Expert

  • Mandarin Beginner-Expert


  • USWER GLOBAL COMMERCE TECHNOLOGY CO,. LTD, 2021/05~now, interpreter and translator, work from home (May, 2021Present) at Taipei, Taiwan
    Translate some words or sentences for my supervisor in some conferences or translate some documents from Chinese into English for my boss.
  • Wistron Corporation, 2021/02~2021/02, Annotation Specialist, Short-Term Contract (Mar, 2021Apr, 2021) at Taipei, Taiwan
    Annotate and editing the pictures and typing some words.
    Reason for leaving: My contract had expired.
  • STAR TO ASIA, 2020/02~2021/02, Translator, Contractor (Feb, 2020Feb, 2021) at Taipei, Taiwan
    Translating Chinese into English for some companies (For example Calpis) or artists etc. Assist with marketing and administrative works. Reason for leaving: My contract had expired.
  • P&G (Procter and Gamble Company), 2018/09~2019/05, Human Resource Assistant, Short-Term Contract for Maternity Leave (Sep, 2018May, 2019) at Taipei, Taiwan
    Provided administrative support to HR Director. Assisted in Managing the documents of employees’ sick leaves, maternity leaves, personal leaves, etc. Printing and faxing expense reports and then mail them to the HR office of P&G in Manila. Examining whether the items and the figures on the expense is correct or not. Updated the profile documents of newly hired employees. Assisted in processing the Labor Insurance and Health Insurance of employees.
    Reason for leaving: My contract had expired.
  • Far Eas tone Telecommunications Co., Ltd.( It was founded by the Far Eastern Group, in a joint venture with AT&T. ), 2017/08~2018/08, Contractor, E-Commerce Assistant. (Aug, 2017Aug, 2018) at Taipei, Taiwan
    I Used Photoshop to adjust photos and then uploaded them to the E-Commerce website. Managed e-commerce content including typing the information of products. Provided monthly sales reports (using Excel) to managers. Competitor research and analysis. Negotiated with Product Managers.
    Reason for leaving: My contract had expired.
  • Hitutor, Chinese and English tutor (Aug, 2017Present) at Taipei,Taiwan
    Mainly teaching Children English, but also teach some adults. Teaching Chinese.


  • Bachelor (Sep, 2014Jun, 2017) from Taipei, Taiwan

Fee details

    NT$250600/hour (US$7.7618.62/hour)


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