Agnieszka Korowajczyk Polish for foreigners and French
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I’m and experienced teacher in French and Polish. I’ve been teaching French for more that 20 years due to my studies. After twenty years I felt a lack of some knowledge and I started to ask myself why I wasn’t completely satisfied in my work. Thus, I comprehend that if you want to transfer the matter in the best way you can, you must be connected personally to this. It must come from your deep inside personality. I’m Polish, I grew up in Poland, I know the history of my country, its literature and culture. I’m the part of it. That’s why I have decided to teach Polish and made the postgraduate studies in teaching Polish for foreigners. I’ve been teaching Polish for 4 years and I hope to continue to approach my language, culture and history to other people but also to learn from them. Yes, a teacher becomes often the learner and each culture interaction makes people more open and teaches us the tolerance towards the Other.


  • Polish Beginner-Expert

  • French as a Foreign Language Beginner-Expert


  • Teaching Polish for foreigners (Sep, 2017Present) at Language schools, companies
    Teaching Polish for foreigners. Using Communicative Approach. I work basically with books for Polish for foreigners which include videos and book exercices. I use to join Polish songs and articles as well as literature when teaching more advanced class. I’m focused on communication first, then comes grammar. Generally, I try to develop all abilities which help in mastering the language such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • Teaching French (Mar, 1996Present) at Kraków، Bielsko- Biała, Language schools, public school.
    Teaching French in public school and in language schools. Using Communicative Approach.


  • Specialist in teaching Polish for foreigners (Oct, 2016Jul, 2017) from Université the Jagiellońskiscored 80%
  • Master (Oct, 2006Jul, 2008) from Uniwesytet Śląskiscored 88%
  • Bachelor’s degree (Oct, 1993Apr, 1998) from Uniwersytet Warszawskiscored 67

Fee details

    50/hour (US$12.32/hour)


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