Research Associate (Jul, 2020
–Apr, 2021) at University of Wales, Bangor
During my tenure as a Research Associate at the University of Wales, Bangor, I had the opportunity to acquire a wide range of skills, specializing in RF antenna and communication systems. As an expert in this field, I developed a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in designing and optimizing RF antennas for various applications. I became well-versed in antenna theory, impedance matching, radiation patterns, and the analysis of antenna performance.
In addition to antenna design, I gained expertise in analyzing communication system architectures. This encompassed studying modulation schemes, coding techniques, error control mechanisms, and signal processing algorithms. By delving into these concepts, I became adept at evaluating and optimizing the performance of communication systems under diverse conditions.
Practical experience was a fundamental part of my role, as I conducted extensive RF testing and measurement using cutting-edge equipment such as spectrum analyzers, vector network analyzers, and oscilloscopes. These tools allowed me to perform accurate measurements and interpret the results effectively.
Simulation and modeling played a significant role in my work, as I utilized software tools like MATLAB, CST Microwave Studio, and HFSS to simulate and model RF antennas and communication systems. This enabled me to conduct virtual experiments, analyze performance parameters, and validate design concepts.
Throughout my time as a Research Associate, I engaged in rigorous research and literature reviews to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field. This honed my critical thinking and analytical skills, empowering me to identify research gaps and propose innovative solutions.