₱200–500/hour (US$3.41–8.53/hour)
It can vary based on content and complexity of the topic.
The friendliest and the most uplifting teacher ever! ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ
She's the kind of teacher who's really into helping struggling students like me. She's indeed a great help as her works are overflowing with love and dedication. She will still be able to help you despite being busy and occupied with tons of works. I hope that she can teach also others because she is an amazing teacher all in all. I am always pleased and in any way contented with the outputs that she have been working on for me. I love her so much and I have felt being fulfilled and cared about with her sweet and spirited personality, she is the reason why I am also courageously studying and striving for greater future. 100/100?❤️
Best Assignment Helper, Responsive English Helper, Highly Recommended!
Facilitator Vanessa is very quick, smart and responsive!
My assignment is about political science, her answers are very good! My teacher was very impressed with the analytical and concepts used . She does not want to be called as teacher. She has helped me with my assignment really quick and I had good results. She is also very responsive.
Now, we also talked about life details and she said she's been doing parttime online teaching. I am impressed by her skills!
You should try booking her class or choosing her to be your assignment helper.