₹1,000–2,000/hour (US$11.79–23.58/hour)
it depends on urgency of student.
Brilliant tutor
Excellent tutor
I recommend everyone to deal with him, he replies fast and he is very helpful and has a great knowledge
Excellent tutor
I recommend everyone to deal with him, he is knowledgeable and scored very good for me
Perfect tutor
Ekansh is a very good tutor, he replied msg fast and he helped me with my assignment a lot on communication . He is very helpful man and he response very quickly.
Good Tutor
Ekansh is a very good tutor, he replied msg fast and he helped me with my assignment a lot. His solution has lots of details so it's easy to follow his mind. I would recommend him to anyone who needs help with their communication courses.
Ekansh has been the best tutor i have.
He has an excellent grip on Analog Electronic subject even the most challenging concepts surrounding the field of EE and can explain complex concepts in a way that truly makes sense.
he is always prompt in his response time and immensely reliable. I sincerely recommend his services to anyone who needs academic support in a rigorous engineering curriculum.
Reliable and knowledgeable
He was very helpful with my computer engineering assignments. He is extremely knowledgeable about digital electronics and system verilog. I highly recommend him as he is very reliable and always responds promptly in addition to meeting deadlines. He provides accurate solutions whether it is for hard problems or labs.
Ekansh is very knowledgeable
Ekansh is fair in dealing and knowledgeable. I recommend him.
gives on point precise solution
He is so helpful with solution, has a good grasp on concepts
I recommend him to any Grad. student
Best tutor
Ekansh is a best tutor to whom I know.
He has an excellent grip on the subjects which he has written in its profile and he can explain complex concepts in a easy way.
he gives response quickly in time and he is reliable; he is someone who truly cares about my success. I strongly recommend his services to anyone who needs academic support.
Expert in signals and control theory
He is a real expert and quick and practiced at solving hard problems.
Excellent tutor
Fast in finishing tasks given to him, and he is knowledgeable in the digital communication field. You can understand a lot from him
very trustworthy
he helped me in my exam and i got full mark.
i recommend him to any elect. engineering student
the best teacher
Ekansh is one of the best tutors, he helped me with an assignment which was full of control systems questions. He did a great job and I got an excellent mark, definitely would recommend.
Excellent and Unparalleled!
Ekansh has been the best tutor I've had hands down!
He has an excellent grip on even the most challenging subjects surrounding the field of EE and can explain complex concepts in a way that truly makes sense. I wouldn't have passed my semester without his help and dedication, for which am deeply grateful.
In addition to this, he is always prompt in his response time and immensely reliable; he is someone who truly cares about your success. I strongly and sincerely recommend his services to anyone who needs academic support in a rigorous engineering curriculum!