Rs1,500–7,400/hour (US$5.40–26.66/hour)
Fees varies according to student task and subject
Quick and clear solution
Great tutor with an excellent knowledge of Maths. Fast, responsive, and friendly person to work with.
The best
I have been working with Kokab since 2021. Kokab has helped me with many of my math classes: Discrete Mathematics, Calculus II, Trigonometry, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, to name some. Kokab is responsible, reliable, trustworthy, intelligent, and diligent. I am forever grateful for Kokab.
Awesome and Quick Response
She stepped in right on time and was very quick to help me with my homework. I would highly recommend Kokab, she knows her stuff and will help to get your work complete.
Excellent Tutor
She is an excellent tutor with thorough knowledge and she an amazing teaching skills. She went above and beyond to help me to pass the exam. She is good at communicating with me and very patient. She met the requirement and I give her a lot of credit for it. I am very meticulous about my requirement she did fulfill it. I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for learning Discrete Mathematics. Thank you Mam for helping me with the tight deadlines. God Bless You!