Duration: 15 Days
Delivery mode: Online
Group size: Individual
Instruction language:
Certificate provided:
Eessential Python course topics to study for a comprehensive understanding of the language:
1. **Introduction to Python:**
- History and philosophy of Python
- Setting up the Python environment
2. **Basic Syntax and Data Types:**
- Variables and data types (integers, floats, strings, etc.)
- Operators and expressions
- Conditional statements (if, elif, else)
- Loops (for and while)
3. **Collections:**
- Lists, tuples, and dictionaries
- Sets and frozensets
- Iterating through collections
4. **Functions:**
- Defining functions
- Function arguments and return values
- Lambda functions
- Recursion
5. **Modules and Packages:**
- Importing modules
- Creating and using your own modules
- Exploring Python's standard library
6. **File Handling:**
- Reading and writing files
- Working with different file formats (CSV, JSON, etc.)
7. **Exception Handling:**
- Handling errors and exceptions
- Using try, except, finally blocks
8. **Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):**
- Classes and objects
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Encapsulation and abstraction
9. **Advanced Data Structures:**
- Collections module (deque, namedtuple, Counter, etc.)
- Working with stacks and queues
- List comprehensions and generator expressions
10. **Functional Programming:**
- Higher-order functions
- Map, filter, and reduce functions
- Closures and decorators
11. **Working with APIs:**
- Making HTTP requests
- Parsing JSON and XML responses
- Authentication and API integration
12. **Database Access:**
- Connecting to databases (e.g., SQLite, MySQL)
- Querying databases with SQL
13. **Concurrency and Multithreading:**
- Understanding the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
- Threading and multiprocessing
14. **Testing and Debugging:**
- Writing unit tests with the unittest module
- Debugging techniques and tools
15. **Web Development (Optional):**
- Introduction to web frameworks (e.g., Flask, Django)
- Creating web applications and APIs
16. **Data Science and Machine Learning (Optional):**
- Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-Learn
- Data preprocessing, visualization, and machine learning basics
17. **Deployment and Packaging:**
- Creating executable scripts
- Packaging Python applications
18. **Best Practices and Code Style:**
- PEP 8 guidelines
- Code organization and documentation
These topics should give you a solid foundation in Python. Depending on your specific interests and career goals, you can delve deeper into certain areas, such as web development, data science, or machine learning, after mastering the fundamentals.
Key topics to study when learning React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces:
1. **Introduction to React:**
- Understanding what React is and its purpose
- React's component-based architecture
2. **Setting Up Your Environment:**
- Installing Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)
- Creating a React application using Create React App
3. **JSX (JavaScript XML):**
- Writing JSX syntax to define React components
- Understanding JSX expressions and rendering
4. **Components and Props:**
- Creating functional and class components
- Passing props (properties) to components
5. **State and Lifecycle:**
- Managing component state
- Lifecycle methods (componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc.)
6. **Handling Events:**
- Event handling in React
- Binding event handlers
7. **Conditional Rendering:**
- Using conditional statements to render components
- Ternary operators and logical operators for conditional rendering
8. **Lists and Keys:**
- Rendering lists of data using maps
- Understanding the importance of keys
9. **Forms and Controlled Components:**
- Creating forms in React
- Managing form input as controlled components
10. **Hooks (Optional):**
- Introduction to React Hooks (useState, useEffect, etc.)
- Functional component state management with hooks
11. **Routing (Optional):**
- Implementing client-side routing with React Router
- Creating navigation and multiple views in a single-page application
12. **Context API (Optional):**
- State management with React Context
- Sharing data between components without prop drilling
13. **Styling in React:**
- Styling approaches (inline styles, CSS classes, CSS-in-JS libraries)
- Using CSS modules
14. **Component Lifecycle and Optimization (Advanced):**
- PureComponent and shouldComponentUpdate
- Memoization and performance optimization techniques
15. **State Management (Redux, Mobx, etc., Optional):**
- Managing global state with libraries like Redux
- Setting up reducers, actions, and stores
16. **Forms and Form Libraries (Optional):**
- Handling complex forms with libraries like Formik
17. **Testing React Applications:**
- Unit testing components with tools like Jest and Enzyme
18. **Deployment:**
- Preparing your React app for production
- Deploying to hosting platforms like Netlify, Vercel, or AWS
19. **Best Practices and Patterns:**
- Code organization and project structure
- Common React design patterns
20. **Real-World Projects:**
- Building practical applications to apply your knowledge
Remember that React is a dynamic and evolving library, so staying updated with the latest features and best practices is essential for a successful career in React.js development.