Mohit Gupta Coding interviews, DSA, Problem solving, Sql
32 Reviews

Ace Your FAANG Interviews with Expert Guidance

Hi, I'm Mohit, a Principal Software Engineer with over 13 years of experience in competitive programming, data structures & algorithms, and system design, with a background from IIT Delhi (B.Tech in Computer Science). My students have successfully landed roles at top tech companies, including Google, Apple, Amazon, and various startups.

With my expertise in coding interviews, system design, and leadership principles, I can help make your interview journey smoother and more effective. My sessions are tailored to tackle the unique challenges of tech interviews, with a focus on critical thinking, edge case handling, and optimizing time & space complexity.

What I Offer:
1. Coding Interview Preparation
Topics covered: Leetcode & Codeforces problems, Arrays, Linked Lists, Strings, Trees, Graphs, Queues, Stacks, Dynamic Programming, Segment Trees, Tries, Bit Manipulation, and Complexity Analysis.
Languages: Python, Java, C++.

2. System Design (HLD)
Learn to build large-scale, distributed systems with an emphasis on latency, resiliency, reliability, throughput, and extensibility. By the end, you'll have the confidence and skills to tackle any system design problem asked to you.

Here are batch details and timings:
Objective: Leetcode + System Design FAANG Prep Batch

Module 1: Leetcode batch schedule
Timing: 7:00am - 10:00 am EST
Schedule: Monday - Wednesday (9hrs/week)
Duration: 4 months,
Total hours = 150 hours
Rate: $20/hr

Pricing models as:
1 months - 720 usd (36+ hrs content)
2 months - 1300 usd (10% off, 75 hrs content)
3 months - 1700 usd (20% off, 112 hrs sessions)
4 months(Full duration) - 2000 usd (33% off, 150+ hrs sessions)
Referral bonus: Additional 30% off for both you and your referral.

Module 1: Leetcode sessions content:
This is exhaustive syllabus along with list of questions we will be covering (We may do additional questions as we go along).

*Month 1: Problem-Solving Patterns*

*Week 1: Sliding Window*
*Topics Covered:*, Dynamic sliding techniques, Window boundary management
1. Minimum Window Substring (Hard)
2. Max Consecutive Ones III (Medium)
3. Sliding Window Maximum (Hard)
4. Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element (Medium)
5. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Medium)
6. Subarrays with K Different Integers (Hard)
7. Fruit Into Baskets (Medium)
8. Count Number of Nice Subarrays (Medium)
9. Max Consecutive Ones III (Medium)
10. Subarray Product Less Than K (Medium)
11. Maximum Erasure Value (Medium)
12. Contains Duplicate III (Hard)

*Week 2: Two Pointers*
*Topics Covered:* *Opposing pointers strategies, Merging intervals and array manipulation*
1. 3Sum (Medium)
2. 4Sum (Medium)
3. Container With Most Water (Medium)
4. Trapping Rain Water (Hard)
5. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums (Hard)
6. Minimum Size Subarray Sum (Medium)
7. Merge Intervals (Medium)
8. Interval List Intersections (Medium)
9. Valid Triangle Number (Medium)
10. Partition Labels (Medium)
11. Boats to Save People (Medium)
12. Maximize Distance to Closest Person (Medium)

*Week 3: Fast and Slow Pointers*
*Topics Covered: Loop detection, Middle element identification*
1. Linked List Cycle II (Medium)
2. Find the Duplicate Number (Medium)
3. Palindrome Linked List (Medium)
4. Reorder List (Medium)
5. Remove Nth Node From End of List (Medium)
6. Detect Cycles in a Graph (Medium)
7. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons (Medium)
8. Middle of the Linked List (Medium)
9. Trapping Rain Water II (Hard)
10. Shortest Path in Binary Matrix (Medium)
11. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree (Medium)
12. Longest Palindromic Substring (Medium)

*Week 4: Stack and Queue*
*Topics Covered: LIFO and FIFO data structures, Problem-solving using stacks and queues*
1. Largest Rectangle in Histogram (Hard)
2. Basic Calculator (Hard)
3. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation (Medium)
4. Min Stack (Medium)
5. Daily Temperatures (Medium)
6. Next Greater Element II (Medium)
7. Decode String (Medium)
8. Asteroid Collision (Medium)
9. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II (Hard)
10. Maximal Rectangle (Hard)
11. Longest Valid Parentheses (Hard)
12. Sliding Window Median (Hard)

*Month 2: Advanced Patterns*

*Week 1: Dynamic Programming (0/1 Knapsack)*
*Topics Covered: Subset problems, Optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems*
1. Partition Equal Subset Sum (Medium)
2. Subset Sum (Medium)
3. Target Sum (Medium)
4. Coin Change (Medium)
5. Minimum Path Sum (Medium)
6. Unique Paths II (Medium)
7. Longest Increasing Subsequence (Medium)
8. Russian Doll Envelopes (Hard)
9. Wildcard Matching (Hard)
10. Edit Distance (Hard)
11. Word Break II (Hard)
12. Palindrome Partitioning II (Hard)

*Week 2: Modified Binary Search*
*Topics: Binary search variations, Search optimizations in arrays and matrices*
1. Search in Rotated Sorted Array (Medium)
2. Median of Two Sorted Arrays (Hard)
3. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array (Medium)
4. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix (Medium)
5. Peak Index in a Mountain Array (Medium)
6. Search a 2D Matrix II (Medium)
7. Split Array Largest Sum (Hard)
8. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self (Hard)
9. Aggressive Cows (Hard)
10. Allocate Minimum Number of Pages (Hard)
11. Minimum Number of Days to Make M Bouquets (Hard)
12. Divide Chocolate (Hard)

*Week 3: Graph Traversals (BFS/DFS)*
*Topics Covered: Graph representations, Traversal algorithms and pathfinding*
1. Word Ladder (Hard)
2. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow (Medium)
3. Course Schedule II (Medium)
4. Number of Islands (Medium)
5. Rotting Oranges (Medium)
6. Clone Graph (Medium)
7. Graph Valid Tree (Medium)
8. Longest Path in a Directed Acyclic Graph (Hard)
9. Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes (Hard)
10. Minimum Cost to Connect All Points (Hard)
11. Critical Connections in a Network (Hard)
12. Reconstruct Itinerary (Hard)

*Week 4: Backtracking, Recursive problem-solving, Exploring all possible solutions*
1. Permutations (Medium)
2. Permutations II (Medium)
3. Combination Sum (Medium)
4. Combination Sum II (Medium)
5. Subsets (Medium)
6. Subsets II (Medium)
7. Palindrome Partitioning (Medium)
8. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (Medium)
9. Restore IP Addresses (Medium)
10. N-Queens (Hard)
11. Sudoku Solver (Hard)
12. Expression Add Operators (Hard)

*Month 3: Advanced Topics*

*Week 1: Heap and Priority Queue*
*Topics Covered: Heap operations and applications, Priority queue usage in problem-solving*
1. Merge k Sorted Lists (Hard)
2. Find Median from Data Stream (Hard)
3. Top K Frequent Elements (Medium)
4. Kth Largest Element in an Array (Medium)
5. Sliding Window Median (Hard)
6. Rearrange String k Distance Apart (Hard)
7. Task Scheduler (Medium)
8. Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks (Medium)
9. Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists (Hard)
10. LFU Cache (Hard)
11. Design Search Autocomplete System (Hard)
12. Maximal Rectangle (Hard)

*Week 2: Trie and String Matching*
*Topics Covered: Prefix trees, Efficient string searching and manipulation*
1. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) (Medium)
2. Word Search II (Hard)
3. Stream of Characters (Hard)
4. Replace Words (Medium)
5. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure (Medium)
6. Palindrome Pairs (Hard)
7. Longest Word in Dictionary (Medium)
8. Concatenated Words (Hard)
9. Word Ladder II (Hard)
10. Find All Anagrams in a String (Medium)
11. Implement Magic Dictionary (Medium)
12. Longest Duplicate Substring (Hard)

*Week 3: Bit Manipulation*
*Topics Covered: Binary operations, Efficient computations using bits*
1. Single Number II (Medium)
2. Single Number III (Hard)
3. Counting Bits (Medium)
4. Reverse Bits (Medium)
5. Maximum Product of Two Numbers in an Array (Medium)
6. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range (Medium)
7. Sum of Two Integers (Medium)
8. Single Element in a Sorted Array (Medium)
9. Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c (Medium)
10. Total Hamming Distance (Medium)
11. Binary Watch (Medium)
12. Find the Duplicate Number (Medium)

*Week 4: Recursion and Advanced Backtracking*
*Topics Covered: Deep recursive techniques, Complex backtracking scenarios*
1. Sudoku Solver (Hard)
2. N-Queens (Hard)
3. Expression Add Operators (Hard)
4. Generate Parentheses (Medium)
5. Scramble String (Hard)
6. Restore IP Addresses (Medium)
7. Palindrome Partitioning II (Hard)
8. All Valid Permutations of Parentheses (Hard)
9. Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies (Hard)
10. Unique Paths III (Hard)
11. Design Tic-Tac-Toe (Medium)
12. Combination Sum IV (Medium)

*Month 4 (optional): Tough Topics and Advanced Algorithms*

*Week 1: Dijkstra and Shortest Path Algorithms*
*Topics Covered: Graph algorithms, Shortest path computations*
1. Network Delay Time (Medium)
2. Cheapest Flights Within K Stops (Medium)
3. Minimum Cost to Reach Destination (Hard)
4. Dijkstra's Algorithm Implementation (Hard)
5. The Maze II (Hard)
6. The Maze III (Hard)
7. Optimal Path in a Grid (Hard)
8. Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination (Hard)
9. Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance (Medium)
10. Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination (Hard)
11. Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph (Hard)
12. Path with Maximum Probability (Medium)

*Week 2: Advanced Graph Algorithms*
*Topics Covered: Connectivity and optimization, Advanced traversal techniques
1. Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph (Medium)
2. Strongly Connected Components (Hard)
3. Reconstruct Itinerary (Hard)
4. Alien Dictionary (Hard)
5. Longest Cycle in a Graph (Hard)
6. Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph (Medium)
7. Count Subtrees With Max Distance Between Cities (Hard)
8. Course Schedule IV (Hard)
9. Minimum Height Trees (Hard)
10. Course Schedule III (Hard)
11. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix (Hard)
12. Graph Valid Tree (Medium)

*Week 3: Advanced Dynamic Programming*
*Topics Covered: Complex DP problems, State optimization and memoization*
1. Burst Balloons (Hard)
2. Dungeon Game (Hard)
3. Cherry Pickup (Hard)
4. Interleaving String (Hard)
5. Palindrome Partitioning II (Hard)
6. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown (Medium)
7. Minimum Number of Operations to Make a Subsequence (Hard)
8. Distinct Subsequences (Hard)
9. Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options (Hard)
10. Stone Game II (Hard)
11. Super Egg Drop (Hard)
12. Regular Expression Matching (Hard)

*Week 4: Advanced Data Structures and Optimization*
*Topics Covered: Segment trees, Fenwick trees, Union-Find optimizations and other advanced structures*
1. Range Sum Query - Mutable (Hard)
2. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self (Hard)
3. Maximum Frequency Stack (Hard)
4. LFU Cache (Hard)
5. Design Search Autocomplete System (Hard)
6. Range Module (Hard)
7. Design Twitter (Hard)
8. Design In-Memory File System (Hard)
9. Design Hit Counter (Hard)
10. Kth Largest Element in a Stream (Hard)
11. Max Stack (Hard)
12. Redundant Connection (Hard)

Module 2: System design batch schedule
Timing: Thursday 2:00pm - 5:00 pm EST
Duration: 3 months,
Rate: $20/hr


  • Data Structures Expert

  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms Beginner-Expert

  • SQL Expert

  • Interview Beginner-Expert

  • Data Structures and Algorithms Beginner-Expert

  • Proxy interview Beginner-Expert

  • Advanced Data Structures Beginner-Expert

  • Interview Google Beginner-Expert

  • Interview Facebook Beginner-Expert

  • Interview Preparation for Big-N or FAANG companies Beginner-Expert

  • Distributed System Design for Interviews Beginner-Expert

  • Leetcode Solving for Job Interviews Beginner-Expert

  • Data Structure and Algorithms Expert

  • Cracking the Coding Interview Beginner-Expert

  • Leetcode Beginner-Expert

  • Coding interviews Beginner-Expert

  • System Design Expert

  • Cracking Coding interviews for software companies Beginner-Expert

  • Data Structures & Algorithms Expert

  • Data engineering Beginner-Expert


No experience mentioned.


  • (Jun, 2005Jun, 2009) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi

Fee details

    2,5007,500/hour (US$29.4888.43/hour)

32 Reviews
5 out of 5

User Photo July 9, 2024
Payment verified US$ 5

Had a good experience

Mohit helped me with system design. He was proficient at designing a syllabus that worked for the kind of roles I was targeting and had a good grasp of concepts.. His teaching style was very effective, broke down the concepts well and tried providing real and relevant examples when needed. I would him to anyone trying to crack a tech interview

User Photo January 30, 2024
Payment verified US$ 5

super friendly and patient

Mohit was very patient and friendly to work with:)

User Photo January 17, 2024
Payment verified US$ 5

Great mentor

Just get him. You won’t regret it

User Photo December 24, 2023
Payment verified US$ 5

An experienced tutor for mock interview preparation

It was a very pleasant process working with Mohit. He is responsible. He walked me through the code line by line, and we had several constructive and detailed discussions. The process of mock interviews can be tailor-made, and it was like discussing and learning from code review at work. Highly recommended.

User Photo December 28, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5.88 (500 INR)

Got placed in topmost MNC with Mohit's assistance

Description: I had contacted Mohit for assistance in preparing for FAANG interviews. Mohit assisted me with preperation. He mentored me for around 3 months. I brushed up my Problem solving skills as well as knowledge on Java. He also prepped me with mock interviews simulating real interview environment which boosted my confidence in actual interviews. From DSA to system design to behavioural/leadership questions, he got me covered.

Finally I landed up with couple of offers from my dream companies. He also assisted me with choosing the best one and helped with negotiating salary so that I don't get low-balled by companies. Thanks to him, I'm now well placed amongst topmost salary bracket.

A big thank you for helping me shaping my career and putting me among top 2% software engineers out there .

User Photo November 14, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5

Design and anlysis of algorithm and operating system

He is really helpful person and perfect on operating system and design and analysis of algorithms. He can help with all the topics related to these courses

User Photo November 6, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5.92 (500 INR)

Close your eyes and go for him. will change your career

This guy is the most understanding and hands down the best resource on Teacheron for fundamental of algorithms.

Not only will he do the assignments to perfection but he will make sure that you are understanding the concepts. Secondly he will always make the time to clear the doubts and will give you the simplest explanations.

You can also refer him to get the best concentrated use out of the books like CLRS and other resources.

If you have an assignment, test or a Job interview, this is the best resource that you can get. Apart from that he is willing to teach to you things from beginning if you are lacking in some area so that you can do those things later.
Thank you Mohit for all the help through my semester.

User Photo October 20, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5.89 (500 INR)

Just do not hesitate and choose Mohit for algorithm design

With such a huge collection of teachers and resources to choose from, I was confused and had already made a lot of bad decisions at this point.
Choosing Mohit for Fundamental of algorithms class was the turning point for me.
This guy explains things so clearly and follows the university guidelines and books.
He is a master of CLRS which is the bible for us and his grasp on the topics is very good.
I was in so much doubt in the beginning and the deadline was circling over my head. As soon as Mohit came into the picture the entire scenario changed. If you respect his methods and give him some time he solve all of your problems and you will walk out a happy student.

If you are lagging behind in your class and need an exact plan to tackle your exams and ace them then Mohit is certainly the guy.

Just trust me and choose him for your assignments and homework's. He is the best resource that you can get on this website for fundamental of algorithms.

User Photo October 6, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5

Very Helpful for Understanding

He teaches the topics from the ground up, explaining the required data structure, then explaining the logic used for each question. He has helped me solve many leetcode problems and prepare me for upcoming interviews. I would highly recommend joining his classes if you want to get an understanding of data structures and algos problems quickly.

User Photo October 6, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5

Excellent Tutor

I've had the pleasure of taking DSA classes with Mohit. He's an expert with algorithms and more importantly an excellent teacher that genuinely cares that his students understand concepts thoroughly.

I have already seen myself progress from his explanations and look forward to continue learning from him. Highly recommend!

User Photo September 19, 2021
Payment verified US$ 3.54 (300 INR)

Great mentor - Highly Recommended

Mohit is tutoring my son (high school student) in Java and DSA concepts. He is quite amazing in the way he has handled a high school student, not only teaching the basics but also in making the student to enjoy the subject. His industry insights, clarity on current IT trends and future vision makes me to recommend him to anyone who considers CS as a career path.
Thankyou Mohit!

User Photo August 29, 2021
Payment verified US$ 50

Great tutor

He helped me a lot of time, and he explained very well...

User Photo August 24, 2021
Payment verified US$ 3.54 (300 INR)

Highly recommended for FAANG interview preparation

Regardless of your current skill level, Mohit will help you solve data structure and algorithm questions until you can successfully complete technical interviews at the largest software companies.
He can also help with any doubts on other parts of the interview (team fit, behavioural, etc.) as well as career progression.

User Photo August 23, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5

Great teacher with high levels of expertise in Data Structure and algorithms.

Mohit tutored me for a very challenging and fast paced Data structure college course for Data Science major. I have been very impressed with his subject matter expertise as he patiently dedicated time to help and submit my assignments on time. His excellent teaching methodology and emphasis on practice sessions helped me score A+ grade in one of the toughest class. He is a great mentor to prepare for career services and interview process.
I am planning to continue his services for few other courses.
Highly recommend him to Students/professionals in Computer science field to learn and enhance their skills to achieve success.

User Photo August 21, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5.90 (500 INR)

Expert with great and in-depth knowledge of DSA

Mohit is a great guy with lot of knowledge of DSA. He has greatly helped me with learning and solving DSA, object oriented design questions . He is expert coder. I strongly recommend working with him in future and refer to my friends as well.

User Photo August 13, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5

This man is a legend!

Mohit is without any doubt the best computer science tutor I’ve had. When he helps you with an assignment or an exam, you can be assured we will NOT plagiarise anything! I’ve come across many here that will sneak in a plagiarised function they don’t understand, but Mohit will make the code “your own”!
He is responsive and punctual. If you have a last minute deadline(like I had a few times), he will do his darn best to get that in for you. The scores I’ve received have been a B+ or better. This was in an software development course which used advanced Java OOP topics with UI implementation. For an advanced data structures and algorithms class in C++, he had less than a few minutes heads up to help with an assignment that may or may not have been an exam. I was going into the class with a C and needed a 90% or more to make it to a B. The class was not an A because a DIFFERENT tutor plagiarised a function on an assignment. Mohit is the best! If you have a last minute problem you need help with, he’s your guy! If you need a verbal instruction over video chat or call, he’s your guy! If you need someone who is reliable and will never let you down, he’s your guy! It is a wonder a FAANG company hasn’t snatched him yet! Their loss! Don’t pass up on him and make him your loss too!

User Photo August 3, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5

Always available and patience with depth knowledge

I have been taking His Assistance in clearing the interviews.
He is being very patient and responsible towards His sessions.
He encourages us by being practical and guides toward reality.
He shows us nothing is difficult and encourages as no one knows everything.
He makes us keep track of our learning by giving regular assignments so we can reach to our goal.
I have been with him for 3 interviews and are going very good with his help.
Thank you.

User Photo July 19, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5

Expert with amazing knowledge in Data Structures, Algorithms and LLD/HLD

Mohit is a great guy with lot of patience to answer questions. He did amazing job in helping me with solving DSA, object oriented design questions for interviews. I strongly recommend working with him in future and refer to my friends as well.

User Photo July 18, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5

Expert in DSA

Amazing Teacher with 100% Satisfactory Performance on Data structure algorithms and interviews. He has helped me with 4 interviews till now and I have quite a positive experience so far!

He’s a genuine person and has outstanding command on programming languages like Java and C++. Since I am short on time right now and companies are knocking on door, I'm taking his direct help in interviews. From August, I'll start DSA course with him for long term learning.

User Photo July 9, 2021
Payment verified US$ 5

Excellent at DSA with technical expertise

I have been working with Mohit sir for past 1 month. He is very helpful, easy to work with and spends sufficient time with me to address my doubts, understanding of concepts. He is currently helping me out in interviews of Tech companies which I am really thankful to him. If you're looking for DSA related help or help in cracking interviews, look no further. He is one of best in business. I'd continue to work under his guidance as I join a good tech company.

User Photo May 22, 2021

Very communicative and nice!

Very fast in replying and knows what he's doing. He has helped me in real time and is very competent in the subject. Will come back to him if needed! Thanks again!

User Photo May 21, 2021


Mohit has been kind enough to help with multiple assignments and exams and always delivered exceptional work on time. He has a firm grasp on all things programming and he has been my go-to whenever I had any programming related issues. He listens and solves the problems carefully, and accurately as well. He is undoubtedly the best tutor I have found on teacheron so don’t be afraid to give him a try!

User Photo May 15, 2021

Very good at algorithmic questions

I started learning DSA with Mohit a few weeks ago. I am a slow learner, but Mohit is patient, he draws and explains the logic several times. He teaches me algorithms using Java, but since I am more comfortable with JavaScript, I rewrite the logic/his explanation in JS. On the bright side, I have learned some basics of Java along the way. We tackle Leetcode problems, which is like an industry standard here in the US for interviews.

He has his own way of tackling problems, he is teaching me the similarities and roots of issues and how they are related to each other. Without Mohit's help, I would not be able to group the leetcode problems to have a generic solution for several of them at once, instead, I would try to treat them as individual problems rather than related problems.

Overall, I am learning a lot at the moment. Wish me luck applying for FAANG!

User Photo May 12, 2021

He is the best

Best one???in web design and data structure and algorithm

User Photo April 29, 2021

Data Structure and Algorithm

If you are looking for a tutor and you are reading this, look no more. You have got the tutor you were looking for.
He helped me with my project. He takes his work very seriously and treats his student's projects as his own and tries to understand the project completely. He puts extra few hours if the project demands it and will happily answer any questions we have even after he has helped and he has been paid. Something that might be underrated, he is very easy to communicate, always responds quickly, day, morning, the night it does not matter he takes time out of his schedule for his students. He is not just doing it for the sake of getting it done, he is genuinely passionate about Computer Science and it seemed like he enjoys what he does.

User Photo April 27, 2021

Data Structures & Algorithms Expert

Mohit is very knowledgeable in this subject and made sure to thoroughly go over my lecture notes. He is very patient and has excellent communication. I would not look elsewhere and contact him immediately. He is the top expert available and will help you get an A+ in any of your classes.

User Photo April 8, 2021

Highly Recommended

Taken Data structures and Algorithm classes with him. Highly knowledgeable and best in business. Helped me build strong foundation with Trees, Stacks, Arrays, Strings and solving problems on Leetcode. Look forward to continue with him.

User Photo April 8, 2021


Very helpful and understanding assistant.Very kind and patient. Will help you with your work and make sure it’s done correct. Highly recommended.

User Photo April 8, 2021


Really helpful in making understand the concepts and tries to help in every possible aspect to the student.

User Photo April 2, 2021

Very knowledgeable and professional

Mohit is very knowledgeable about advance Data Structures and Algorithms. He worked with me patiently and guided me on how to approach and solve problems. I Highly recommend him for CS students.

User Photo April 1, 2021

Great guy and good knowledge

Required help from him for my Java class, he was quick and knowledgeable. Will go back to him for any other Java help in the future :)

User Photo March 31, 2021

Excellent teacher

Knows his stuff very patient! Great tutor