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NANDANI SINGHResearch scholar in mechanical engineering
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The knowledge of subjects should be relatable to practical life experience, for a better understanding of concepts. Therefore, I explain topics from a theoretical as well as an Experimental/Practical point of view. It surely leads to a better understanding of the topic and, students will gain more knowledge and learn the relevance and application of that topic. I am adaptive according to student's knowledge in a particular topic so that my work/teachings would be beneficial for them. If any doubt remains in the topic it will be cleared using various examples. Students can ask as much as they want regarding the topic, will try to satisfy them with numerous examples. The following areas are covered during my lecture: 1.Theory/ concepts 2.Numerical solving 3.Assignment solutions 4. Suggestion and methods to qualify for the GATE exam 5. Experimental or theoretical project work for academic students. 6. Experimental design (if required) The lectures include theories and videos regarding the application of theory/tools/ design/ methods adopted in the industry.