₹300–700/hour (US$3.55–8.29/hour)
Charges vary depending on type of instts / strength of classroom or private tution.
Best Tutor to Learn Spoken English
I do not write reviews generally, but I wish to post my review here as I know the importance of learning English and to learn it from a right tutor. I have been learning spoken English from Mr. Sengupta Sir since Jun 2020, he is one of the best tutors I have ever met.
* He never wastes our time by talking unnecessary things, which I often faced with other tutors.
* He will not move to next chapter until he makes sure, you understand the one he is teaching currently.
* He will encourage your to learn more and more.
* He listens to your requirements carefully and teaches accordingly.
* He is very flexible in terms of class timings.
* Apart from spoken class you can also learn personal development skills and public speaking skills from him.
* Over all he is a gentleman, more than a tutor he is my mentor.
* Cons:
* I really miss in person classes, as we both live in two different cities.