₹2,000–3,500/hour (US$23.69–41.45/hour)
Depends on per hour teaching
Dynamics and mechanics of materia help
Very good teacher and honest.
Best tutor
He is a genius and very helpful. ??
Very good and honest teacher
The best tutor
Best instructor for chemistry
He is helpful and available most of the time
He know well the subject and his price is acceptable.
The best tutor
He is very professional and quick, he never disappoints, don’t hesitate to hire him.
I can count & depends on him. He is confident & you can trust. Based on my experience with toturs and teachers before... I can say he is good teacher in structural analysis for civil engineering and I will try to work with him for other courses. Thanks
Highly recommended tutor
Good dr
He is one of the best teachers
Best teacher ever, he give you the idea in many ways.
He’s very professional and helpful... I always get high grade with his help.
Efficient and precise
Quick to reply, efficient in completing works and gives good grades
very good teacher
Very good teacher..?
Vey good teacher and amazing
Help in math
The work has been done, he know what hr is talking about. Thank you
Highly recommended tutor for mathematics
Very good, fast at answering doubts don't waste time
He is very good , he solve doubts quickly, don't waste time to increase payment for each session and available always to help....I got good grades by taking his guidance
Experience and great for physics and calculus
I always get above 90% with him, he really help me with all kind of assignment with low price and high marks