I need a few excel sheet with interlink for our engineering production use
1th or part time cbcs help teach
1 th EVs or math or english or kannada helping number home teach
i need online classes or offline for my son
Need economics tutor to guide my daughter in 10th grade economics. She is in US/Seattle. Need 2-3 classes a week, one hr each. pls whatsapp msg me if interested, do not call pls. Only tutors from India should contact.
Want an offline Chess tutor for my kid .
Need kannada classes
I am comfortable with online and home tutors.
Home Tution for engineering maths vtu, at Rmv 2nd stage.bangalore
Looking for a trainer for Playwright with TypeScript.
I am planning to move to Automation and want to learn Playwright with TypeScript.
I need a crash course for 20-30 days, one hour a day.
My budget is Rs 10k-15k for the whole course.
We have an Immediate requirement of Maths Teacher in our School, Its Karnataka State affiliated School in Sarjapur.
We require Female Candidates only, Having a degree in Mathematics and having atleast 2 years of teaching experience.
can share labview training details with feez, I am interested
Kalpana *********
Sanskrit classes for 6th grade icse. I need 3 classes a week. I need online classes.
Need an experienced trainer for AI (Artificial Intelligence ) and Deep Learning. Its for a PG program and classes are online. Timings Monday to Saturday, any 1 hour between 9:30 to 4 pm. The trainer has to provide notes and practicals. Good pay, long term opportunity. Interested and experienced candidates please contact us on whatsapp.
German for grade 5 IGCSE
Grade 12 physics for cbse board and neet.
Need to learn MERN on my live project.
Need Kannada teacher for 2nd STD child in evening. I am looking for a home tutor.
looking for bharatnatyam classes for 13 year old ...has been learning for 5 years now
Kannada Reading and Writting
Required math tutors for grades 6 to 9.