Arabic & Holy Quran Home teacher needed in Woking

  • Woking, UK
  • £30/month (39.47 USD)
  • Posted : Sep 6
  • Level : Intermediate
  • Requires : Part Time
  • Posted by : Narjis Hadi (Parent/Guardian )
  • WhatsApp verified +44-**********
  • Gender Preference : None
  • Not available online
  • Available for home tutoring
  • Can travel 5 mi.
  • Can communicate in : English, Urdu

Quran teacher who teaches from home ideally 2-3 days a week.
My son is 8 and is on the Quran already but I am looking for a local face to face teacher to help him complete his Quran.
My younger one is 4 and is starting qaida and also requires a regular face to face teacher