Online Reading, Grammar, Listening teacher needed in Saket

  • Saket, New Delhi, Delhi 110017, India
  • 3,000/month (35.77 USD)
  • Posted : Sep 4
  • Level : Expert
  • Requires : Part Time
  • Posted by : Asir Khan (Parent/Guardian )
  • Phone verified +91-**********
  • Gender Preference : Only female
  • Prefers tutors from India
  • Available online
  • Not available for home tutoring
  • Can not travel

Please read the requirements completely before you reply.
The only teacher who can speak Hindi as well and Indian only.

Hey, I need an experienced English-speaking and learning trainer who specialises in teaching the English language to students who are completely new to English.

I have a candidate I need a teacher for, she belongs to a rural area and because of the poor education facility in her hometown in UP, she couldn't learn English properly but wants to know now so she can use it to understand the English books, can prepare English based exams etc

Right now her English is like she can read it, but can't understand what she is reading. Her vocabulary is poor, sometimes she doesn't know the meaning of simple words.

I tried with a teacher a few months back, she started her course like a normal beginner child, with grammar, and sentence structure etc but that didn't work, she was able to understand the grammar rules, she was making sentences she started speaking something, but when I gave her a book and notes for exam preparation she wasn't able to understand anything.

In the next 2-3 months I want her to understand, read, write and speak English like a normal convent school student.

So it's a lot of work for an experienced person who has to put on her to improve her understanding of the language, listening and speaking.