Online SQL assignment help tutor required in Manikonda Jagir

  • Manikonda Jagir, Telangana, India
  • 30,000/month (357.65 USD)
  • Posted : Sep 4
  • Level : Expert
  • Due Date : 04-09-2024
  • Requires : Part Time
  • Posted by : Dayanidhi (Student )
  • Phone verified +91-**********
  • Gender Preference : Only male
  • Prefers tutors from India
  • Available online
  • Not available for home tutoring
  • Can not travel
  • Can communicate in : English, Hindi, Telugu

Required to Develop, test and maintain high performance, scalable ana reliable Java applications.
Mandatory:- Core Java, including Java SE and Java EE Extensive experience.
JavaScript,JSP(Basics) and JSTL for UI
Budget:-30K per month.
Time:-10 AM to 5PM
Need to connect during the meetings.