Online Power BI Dashboards assignment help tutor needed in Bavdhan

  • Bavdhan, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • 500/hour (5.96 USD)
  • Posted : Sep 3
  • Level : Adult/Casual learning
  • Due Date : 04-09-2024
  • Requires : Part Time
  • Posted by : Vasudha (Parent/Guardian )
  • Phone verified +91-**********
  • Gender Preference : None
  • Prefers tutors from India
  • Available online
  • Not available for home tutoring
  • Can not travel
  • Requirement Confirmed : Sep 3

Power BI Dashboard. I am looking for an online tutor or a home tutor. The preferred time for classes will be in the morning. I need someone for help with a project in Power BI today itself.