Online HTML, PHP, Computer Science teacher needed in New Delhi

  • South Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi, India
  • 500/hour (5.96 USD)
  • Posted : Aug 28
  • Level : Expert
  • Requires : Part Time
  • Posted by : Jitendra Nagar (Company/Mediator )
  • Phone verified +91-**********
  • Gender Preference : None
  • Prefers tutors from India
  • Available online
  • Not available for home tutoring
  • Can not travel
  • Can communicate in : English, Hindi

Sorry if it was unclear earlier sir, I need to create an app for my computer science internal assessment. My app idea which has already been approved by teacher:
Dog adoption app for getting a dog adopted and tracking a dogs life post adoption. — Suggesting a dog for someone based on their finances, house size, have kids, have other dogs etc., this is the only part which needs to be unique
the rest of the code for example the log in or sign up we are supposed to take code from bootstrap and adapt it and source it. I need to have a database with all the dogs data. The admin / adoption agency has a different view of the app than any user. The app could’ve been done in any language but my school teachers recommended to do it with PHP integrated with HTML and SQL. The app prototype is due mid January 2025. Exact syllabus statement - Criteria A B C E & I need the tuitions