Online Communication, Japanese language teacher needed in Shikokuchuo

  • Shikokuchuo, Ehime, Japan
  • ¥700/hour (4.98 USD)
  • Posted : Aug 19
  • Level : Expert
  • Requires : Full Time
  • Posted by : Ethan (Company/Mediator )
  • Phone verified +91-**********
  • Gender Preference : None
  • Prefers tutors from Japan
  • Available online
  • Not available for home tutoring
  • Can not travel
  • Can communicate in : English

Job Description:-

1) The trainer must have min 7+ years of experience to conduct Japanese Language Training experience would be an advantage.
2) The trainer should be familiar with different group training methodologies such as role plays, group discussion, group presentation, peer to peer learning and so on.
3) We are looking for trainers who constantly upgrade their own knowledge and skills, can adapt their training delivery to their audience (trainees) and are willing to experiment with a view to enhance effectiveness of their training delivery. Our best trainers are able to lucidly explain technical concepts without using jargon.
4) The trainers should be well versed in English and fluent in the Japanesel language. While the training would be conducted in English, trainers who explain the complex concepts in local language are more effective.
5) Excellent Communication & presentation skills.
6) Trainer should qualified till Japanese N2 level.
7) Requirement for Weekdays and timing will be IST 9am to 5pm.
8) Training will be Online.
9) you should have good Internet connection.
10) our budget is maximum of 700Yen.