Need a experienced candidate for training candidates for a PG course, regarding developing web applications. Long term opportunity, good pay, flexible hours. Please contact us on whatsapp.
Below is the syllabus:
Unit I:
Internet Basics - Protocols, Servers and their Functions, Internet Clients, Network
Security, Internet Development, Design Functional Internet site & Business
Concepts.HTML - Fundamentals/ Basic HTML, Text formatting on Web Pages
Unit II:
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
Syntax, ID, Class Contextual Selectors, Cascading Order, Properties, Absolute and
Markup Language (XML) - Introduction to XML, Benefits, Holding Data, Separates
Unit III:
Document Type Definition (DTD) - Introduction, DTD Building Blocks, Elements &
Attributes, Entities, Validation. PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) -Introduction, PHP
Document, Language Fundamentals, Decision Making Statement, Loops, Statements,
Operators, PHP functions, Arrays & Functions, String Functions, Server-Side
Unit IV:
Basics of JavaScript - Syntax, Comments, Variables, Operators, Data Types,
Functions, Objects, Events, Strings, Arrays, Dates, Control Structures, Sets, Maps,
Regexp. Advanced JavaScript - JS Objects, JS classes, JS HTML DOM, JS Browser
Unit V:
SQL & MySQL - Creating Databases & Tables, using keys, Types of Tables in MySQL, PHP interfacing with MySQL, connecting to MySQL, Database Connecting, Executing
SQL, Retrieving the data set & refining the fetch.