Intermediate Computer science & applications resources

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Intermediate Computer science & applications resources

By Midhila K
NSM - Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Methods image

PPT of First and Second Module of NSM subject. Calicut University. Total 101 Slides including practice questions. topics: Number systems and conversions Round off and errors and types Numerical stability System of...

By Midhila K
*PPT explaining Divide and Conquer rule and Merge Sort image

PPT explaining divide and conquer algorithm in brief and clear manner with a detailed explanation of example Merge sort including algorithm and code.

By Info Tech
Operating System Design and Implementation image

Designing and implementing an operating system (OS) is a complex and multifaceted task that involves several key components and considerations. Below are some details that can be useful for you to answer passpaper...

By Info Tech
Basics of Operating System image

This handwritten note is very helpful for students who are willing to study in the field of Information Technology. Useful for undergraduates, bachelor, diploma and masters.This is only a apart other notes will uploaded...

By Gaurav Singh
Computer Science image

Computer science lectures involving basics of C programming and also data structure algorithms. Topics like stack queues hashgraphs

By Akash Chauhan
DBMS and SQL Full Notes image

DBMS SQL Full handwritten notes from basic to advanced. Started from basic to intermediate to expert. All notes at one place.