Some questions and answers on Finance

By Anup Singhania - CPA | CFA L2 | 5K+ students | A++
Bachelors/Undergraduate, Masters/Postgraduate
Homeschool Curricula
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Calculate following ratios:

Quick Ratio

Current Ratio

Current Liabilities to Net Worth

Debt to Equity

Fixed Assets to Net Worth

Current Assets to Total AssetsCollection Period (w/ retention)

Collection Period (w/o retention)Receivable Turns

Average Age of Accounts Payable**

Payable Turns Assets to Revenues Working Capital TurnsAccounts Payable to RevenuesGross Profit MarginGeneral Overhead Pre-Tax MarginsAfter-Tax MarginsReturn on AssetsPre-Tax Return on EquityAfter-Tax Return on EquityDegree of Fixed Asset NewnessQuick RatioCurrent RatioCurrent Liabilities to Net WorthDebt to Equity Fixed Assets to Net WorthCurrent Assets to Total AssetsCollection Period (w/ retention)Collection Period (w/o retention)Receivable TurnsAverage Age of Accounts Payable**Payable Turns Assets to Revenues Working Capital TurnsAccounts Payable to RevenuesGross Profit MarginGeneral Overhead Pre-Tax MarginsAfter-Tax MarginsReturn on AssetsPre-Tax Return on EquityAfter-Tax Return on EquityDegree of Fixed Asset Newness

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