A research study on Ross and Rachel from “Friends," the TV Series.

By Kenneth
Research and Methodology, Research
Expert, Diploma, Bachelors/Undergraduate, Masters/Postgraduate, Doctorate/PhD
Homework, Book Review, Activboard activitiy, Assessment
Language used:

Your final paper is a write-up of observational study of two characters from video posted on YouTube from one or two mash ups of TV show Friends (Bright et al., 1995-1996; 1996- 1997). Based upon your protocol of the study, after you conduct the study, the following are aspects of the final paper:

Written part of your final paper. In your final paper, incorporate feedback from previous academic work I gave you either verbally or in a written form (including writing in complete sentences, organizing the paper, using of subheadings, not addressing instructor in the paper as “you,” using APA style of citing and referencing, supporting your claims, etc.). The paper will include the following parts:

1. Cover page with succinct descriptive title of your paper, your name, affiliation, name of the course and instructor’s name, date of submission. (0.5 points).

2. Abstract with no more than 150 to 200 words in which you will summarize what is your final paper about (note: Even though the Abstract constitutes a second page of a paper, this part of the paper you will write after you have completed the paper). (3 points).

3. Introduction. Explain your interest in human social interactions amongst friends; find a reason why this particular observational study, though fictional, could be important; think who would benefit from the results—in a real world setting— knowing about the types of behavior you have investigated. Include any important background information (and attribute it, if applicable). State a research question and/or hypothesis that guided your research; describe expectations you have had prior working on this research project. Conclude your introduction with clearly stated goal of your research paper. (3 points).

4. Method. Specify who were your “participants” including their observed (intuited) demographics; clearly state where did you find your participants. Concisely describe all operationalized friendships behaviors. (If applicable, include any work pertinent to your operationalized definitions—be mindful of plagiarism.) Explain in detail how you conducted the study so it could be replicated; and reference the type of design. Use enough information in order for anyone to be able to collect the data the very same way as you did; and describe, in a story-like fashion, what did you do, when did you do it, and how did you do it. Describe any equipment you used. (4.5 points).

5. Results. First, introduce again your research question and/or hypothesis and describe your results in words in complete sensible sentences. Then support your claims about results in Table 1 in which you present your data. If needed, use Table 2. Each table needs to have a description signifying what the table represents; in other words, correctly and precisely label each table [Note: Table(s) do not count into the required number of pages of this paper.] For quantifiable description of results, work with percentages and construct additional sensible (with regard to your variables) carefully labeled table(s) if needed. Address whether you have observed any “outliers.” [“Outlier” refers to any type of data that are highly improbable, although not impossible, or out of prior consideration. Remember, you were watching fictitious characters so some occurrences of behaviors might be slightly improbable but not impossible.] Could you develop hypotheses about existence of outliers? (9 points).

6. Discussion. In the discussion section, mention, based upon your experience, what worked well and what did not work well in this particular research. Discuss any surprising or unusual occurrences. Describe what you would do differently next time in the research project with content analysis of recorded material or with live participants. Are there any limitations to your study? What other suggestions do you have for subsequent research questions/hypotheses that you might pursue in the future? Instead of fictitious characters, here you have an opportunity to describe what other research could be feasible while working with real persons.(5 points).

7. Conclusion. In conclusion, include what could be some suggested changes to the study you just conducted and how the study could be expanded. Explicate your advice for other aspiring novices/researchers regarding future research. Reflect upon your research experience—what was it like to be novice/researcher for you? (4 points)

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