A philosophy assignment that the The Moral Point of view is not arbitrary but rational

By Kenneth
Expert, Diploma, Bachelors/Undergraduate, Masters/Postgraduate, Doctorate/PhD
Activboard activitiy, Assessment, Book Review
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The choice of the moral point of view is not an arbitrary choice but a rational one.

For Question 1: "We want to say, then, that the choice of the moral point of view is not an arbitrary choice but a rational one. Some kinds of lives are better than others: A human life without the benefits of morality is not an ideal or fulfilled life; it lacks too much that makes for human flourishing. The occasional acts through which we sacrifice our self-interest within the general flow of a satisfied life are unavoidable risks that reasonable people will take. Although you can lose by betting on morality, you are almost certain to lose if you bet against it."

Question 2: "Modified principle of rational self-interest. If it is reasonable to choose a life plan L, which includes the possibility of doing act A, then it must be in my interest (or at least not against it) to choose L, even though A itself may not be in my self-interest."

Question 3: "Now there is no longer anything paradoxical in doing something not in one’s interest because, although the individual moral act may occasionally conflict with one’s self-interest, the entire life plan in which the act is embedded and from which it flows is not against the individual’s self-interest."

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