Student Recored Management System

By Gaurav kushwaha
Computer Science, Student Recored Management System
Beginner, Intermediate, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Language used:

NOTE: Please open the file in python for better understanding.😊

The uploaded code represents a Student Record Management System. Here's a description of its features and functionality:


The system is designed to manage student records, including data input, retrieval, modification, and deletion, stored in a binary file (student.dat) using Python's pickle module.

Key Features

  1. Input and Storage:

    • Accepts details such as roll number, name, and marks for subjects (English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, CS).
    • Stores data in a binary file (student.dat) as serialized objects.
  2. Display:

    • Provides options to display all student records in tabular format.
    • Can display individual student details by searching via roll number.
  3. Modify Records:

    • Allows modification of specific fields in a student's record, such as name or subject marks.
  4. Delete Records:

    • Deletes a student record by roll number and updates the storage file.
  5. Search:

    • Facilitates searching for a student record using the roll number.
  6. Menus:

    • Main Menu: Navigates between report menu, admin menu, and exit options.
    • Report Menu: Provides class results or individual student report cards.
    • Admin Menu: Allows creation, display, search, modification, and deletion of records.
  7. Error Handling:

    • Handles file not found errors gracefully by providing appropriate prompts.
  8. Interactive Design:

    • Prompts the user for confirmation before overwriting data or continuing operations.
  9. Presentation:

    • Includes an introductory screen with the project name and author information.
    • Formats output neatly for better readability.

File Operations

  • Uses pickle for serialization/deserialization.
  • Temporary files (temp.dat) are created for safe operations like modify and delete.

Example Use Cases

  • Schools can manage student academic records.
  • Teachers can generate and view class or individual reports.
  • Administrators can update records or clean outdated data.

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