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Psychology Class XII Notes on Intelligence and Theories of Intelligence based on ISC portion.
Full Points and Diagrams covered.
PPT and PDF formats both accessible
Total Pages - 46
Topics Covered:
Definition of Intelligence
Theories of Intelligence:
- Two factor theory - Charles Spearman
- Primary mental abilities - Louis Leon Thurstone
- Fluid and crystallized intelligence - Raymond Cattell
- Structure of intellect model - J.P Guilford
- Information processing; Triarchic theory - Robert Sternberg
- Theory of multiple intelligence - Howard Gardner
How Intelligence is measured: IQ - Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon
Intelligence Tests:
- Difference between individual and group tests
- Stanford Binet Intelligence test
- Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale III
- Raven's Progressive Matrices
- Cattell's Culture Fair Test
Levels of Intelligence based on IQ - Retardation and Gifted Individuals
Emotional Intelligence: EQ - Peter Salovey and John. D Mayer
Creativity and Intelligence
Aptitude, Achievement and Interest
- General Aptitude Test Battery - GATB
- Strong Campbell Interest Inventory SCII - Edward Kellog Strong Jr.