Business English 1 Lesson 4-Careers

By English teacher Jean Mae Molina
Business English and Communication
Intermediate, Bachelors/Undergraduate, Masters/Postgraduate, Doctorate/PhD, Adult/Casual learning
Daily Practice Paper
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Business English 1 Lesson 4: Careers. It talks about one's career and background.

Certainly! In the context of "Business English 1 Lesson 4: Careers," incorporating discussions about one's career and background would provide valuable insights for learners. Here's how the lesson might approach this topic:

  1. Introduction to Career Backgrounds:

    Start the lesson by discussing the significance of understanding one's career background in shaping future career aspirations and choices.Explain how past experiences, education, and skills contribute to one's career trajectory.
  2. Reflecting on Past Experiences:

    Encourage learners to reflect on their past work experiences, educational background, and any relevant skills or qualifications they possess.Discuss how these experiences have influenced their career interests and goals.
  3. Identifying transferable skills:

    Guide learners in identifying and recognizing the transferable skills they have gained from previous roles or educational experiences.Emphasize the importance of highlighting these skills in resumes and job applications.
  4. Exploring career paths:

    Facilitate discussions or activities where learners can explore different career paths and industries based on their backgrounds and interests.Provide examples of various career trajectories and the skills needed for success in different fields.
  5. Resume Writing and Cover Letters:

    Connect the discussion of career backgrounds to resume writing by helping learners effectively showcase their relevant experiences and skills.Guide learners in crafting compelling cover letters that highlight their career background and align with their career goals.
  6. Interview Preparation:

    Incorporate discussions about past experiences and career background into interview preparation activities.Help learners develop concise and engaging responses to common interview questions that draw on their career history.
  7. Setting Career Goals:

    Encourage learners to set career goals based on their background, experiences, and aspirations.Discuss the importance of setting SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) to guide their career development.
  8. Professional Development:

    Connect discussions about career backgrounds to professional development by helping learners identify areas for growth and skill enhancement.Provide resources and strategies for learners to further develop their skills and advance in their careers.
  9. Cultural Considerations:

    Discuss how cultural background and experiences may influence career choices, workplace dynamics, and communication styles.Help learners navigate cultural differences in the context of career development and advancement.

By incorporating discussions and activities related to one's career background, learners can gain a deeper understanding of their career aspirations, strengths, and areas for development. This knowledge can then be applied to various aspects of career development, including resume writing, job search strategies, and professional growth.

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