Supply Chain Management - Lecture Notes/Lesson Notes

By S Panneerselvam
Supply chain management
Bachelors/Undergraduate, Masters/Postgraduate
Lecture notes
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Supply Chain Management (SCM) - Lecture/Lesson Notes

Supply comprises all activities required to deliver products to the customer. This includes designing products, receiving orders, procuring materials, marketing, manufacturing, logistics, customer service, receiving payment and so on. Anything that influences a product’s time-to-market, price, quality, information exchange and delivery, among other activities, is part of the supply chain.

The Supply Chain Management (SCM) calls for the integration of all the members of the supply chain namely suppliers, distributors, retailers, etc. into a harmonious operating entity. SCM, which began literally as a tool for managing supply of produced goods, has come a long way to occupy a key position in an organisation’s decision making process. The major highlights of this course are

  • Requires a fair deal of knowledge of other subjects such as marketing, finance, information systems, operations and organizational behaviour.
  • Offered after a course on operations management (OM) as the course requires many concepts covered in OM.
  • Add to the strategic decision making capabilities of the students.
  • Helps students to acquire expertise in strategic decision making in a dynamic and competitive business environment.

The course is a theoretical paper but at the same time giving adequate emphasis on applications of supply chain management.


Course Objectives (COs):

  1. To appraise the students various concepts related to the supply chain management.
  2. To educate the importance of supply chain decision such as design, planning, and operations of a firm.
  3. To showcase the ways by which the companies use different supply chain drivers to improve their performance.
  4. To emphasise the efficacies of collaboration and coordination in a supply chain.
  5. To develop competency by exposing/analysing the students to various case studies and appraise the students with the contemporary trends in supply chain management in India.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to

  1. Explain various drivers of supply chain performance.
  2. Assess the role of distribution, distribution network and network design.
  3. Evaluate role, component, characteristics and various methods of demand forecasting and managing uncertainty.
  4. Prioritise the efficacies of coordination and collaboration in a supply chain.
  5. Analyse different modes of transportation, transportation networks and sourcing decisions.

Pedagogy: Lectures, cases, and discussions.

UNIT-1 (9 Hours)

Introduction to Supply Chain Management: Supply chain – historical perspective – objectives – importance – decision phases – process view – achieving strategic fit – challenges – impellers of supply chain – financial measures of performance – drivers of supply chain performance – framework for structuring drivers – facilities – inventory – transportation – information – sourcing – pricing – infrastructure.

UNIT-2 (8 Hours)

Designing Distribution Networks and Network Design: Role of distribution – factors influencing distribution network design – design options for a distribution network – online sales and Omni-Channel Retailing – Distribution channels in Indian agricultural, FMCG and commodity sectors – Role of network design – factors influencing network design decisions – framework for network design decisions.

UNIT-3 (8 Hours)

Demand Forecasting: Role – characteristics – components – approach – time series methods – measures of forecast error – role of IT.

Managing uncertainty: Safety inventory and its appropriate level – impact of supply uncertainty, aggregation and replenishment policies – measure to reduce safety inventory.

UNIT-4 (7 Hours)

Coordination in a Supply Chain: Lack of supply chain coordination and the Bullwhip effect – its effect on performance – obstacles to coordination – managerial levers – practical approaches to improve supply chain coordination – Indian experiences.

UNIT-5 (7 Hours)

Transportation and Sourcing: Role of transportation – modes and their performance characteristics – design options and their trade-offs – Tailored transportation. Sourcing decision – aggregation methods – factors influencing growth of surplus by a third party – risk of using a third party – strategic factors in sourcing – examples of successful third-party suppliers – total cost of ownership (TCO).


Sunil Chopra and Dharam Vir Kalra D V, Supply Chain Management–Strategy, Planning and Operation, Pearson, 7th Edition, 2019.


  1. Janat Shah, Supply Chain Management: Text and Cases, Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2016.
  2. Coyle, Bardi, Longley, Robert A. Novack, Brian J. Gibson, The management of Business Logistics–A supply Chain Perspective, Cengage Learning, 9th Edition, 2013.
  3. Sople V V, Supply Chain Management – Text and Cases, Pearson Education, 2012.
  4. Donald J Bowersox, David J Closs, Bixby Cooper M, Supply Chain Logistics Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2008.
  5. Jeremy F Shapiro, Modeling the Supply Chain, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition, 2007.


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