Management Information Systems (MIS)

By S Panneerselvam
Management Information Systems
Bachelors/Undergraduate, Masters/Postgraduate
Lecture notes
Language used:

Management Information Systems (MIS Syllabus)

Course Objectives

  1. To educate the students on the need for information systems in business.
  2. To envisage and acquiesce with the emerging information technologies/systems and effect on businesses.
  3. To appraise the pervasiveness of enterprise applications.
  4. To explore the new avenues of e-business and its impact on organisations.
  5. To enrich the students’ thinking in the context of emerging big data and data analytics.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Examine the need for information systems in organisations and their role in decision making.

2. Evaluate the growth of information infrastructure and its effect.

3. Maximise the benefits of enterprise applications in the organisational ecosystem.

4. Distinguish business models of ecommerce based on business transactions and technologies.

5. Develop aptitude in business intelligence and its influences on businesses.

UNIT 1 (8 Hours)

Role of information management in Business: Information Systems and transformation of business – Recent Developments – globalization challenges and opportunities: A flattened world – The Emerging Digital firm – Strategic business objectives of Information Systems – Information system and its dimensions.

UNIT 2 (8 Hours)

IT Infrastructure: Definition – evolution – technology drivers – Infrastructure components – hardware platform trends – software platform trends – the Internet – wireless revolution.

UNIT 3 (8 Hours)

Enterprise Applications: Enterprise Systems – Supply Chain Management Systems – Customer Relationship Management Systems – Opportunities and Challenges of enterprise applications.

Managing Knowledge: Dimensions of knowledge – KM value chain – enterprise wide KM systems – knowledge work systems.

UNIT 4 (8 Hours)

E-Commerce: Introduction – key concepts and features – types – business models – revenue models – e-commerce marketing – B2B – m-commerce services and applications.

UNIT 5 (8 Hours)

Business Intelligence: Problems with traditional file management systems – Capabilities of data base management systems (DBMS) and Relational DBMS – Capabilities of DBMS – Designing databases.

The Challenges of big data – Business Intelligence Infrastructure – Analytical Tools: Relationships, Patterns and Trends – Databases and the Web – Establishing an Information Policy.

Recommended Book

Kenneth C Laudon and Jane P Laudon, Management Information Systems, Pearson, 17th Edition, 2022.

Reference Books

  1. James A. O’ Brien, Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, 10th Edition, 2013.
  2. Ralph M. Stair, George Reynolds, Information Systems, Cengage Learning, 10th Edition, 2012.
  3. Effy Oz, Management Information Systems, Cengage Learning, 6th Edition, 2008.
  4. Lynda M AppleGate and Robert D Austin, Corporate Information Strategy and Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 7th Edition, 2007.
  5. Jawadekar, W. S., Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 5th Edition, 2013.

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