SAP MM tutors in Mukundpur Road, Jhangir Puri Village


Org strucutre
Master data
Procure to pay cycle
Special procurements
I.e., Consignment
Intercompany and Intra company stock transfers
MM pricing
Automatic account assignment
Service PO
Split valuation
Inventory management
Physical inventory
batch management
Output determinatin

  • Bengali Market
  • 55,000/month
  • 2.6 yr.
  • 2.6 yr.

I have 6+ years of experience in SAP SD and supply chain management domain which is a combination of online tutoring and industrial experience. Students can have an interactive learning experience with me which can help them apply their learning's in real life examples.

I can help with your SAP Certification and guiding you to land your dream...

  • New Delhi
  • 1,000/hour
  • 6.0 yr.
  • 6.0 yr.

Delivered AutoCAD and Revit Architecture training to candidates from Malaysia and Singapore, preparing them for potential project placements. also conducted BIM 360 training sessions, covering topics such as integrating Revit models into Construction Cloud, establishing Worksets, and promoting collaboration across teams. Additionally, I...

  • Block-C
  • 1,0001,500/hour
  • 9.0 yr.
  • 9.0 yr.

