Online Marketing Analysis tutors in Orlem Tank Road, Lourdes Colony

I follow student-centered approach of teaching. I use combination of questions, examples, problems and learning activities.

I believe in empathising with students and teaching them according to their understanding level.

I use a lot of examples and analogies that makes comprehension of difficult topics easy. I gradually upgrade to difficult...

  • Kolshet Road
  • 1,2005,000/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 5 km

Teaching style with me would be very empathetic, hands - on, repeating concepts till the students get absolute clarity. I make sure students feel confident and secured after learning a particular concept and would to try to develop student self thinking, cognition and logical abilities so that they can answer any question asked in exams or life on...

  • Bandra West
  • 199/hour
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 10.0 yr.

