Online Digital Signal processing and Signal and systems tutors in Shahbagh

I try to understand students' individual weaknesses and then resolve it. My efforts are not just to make the students understand the topic, but also to make them practice every bit of the problem. I try to be student friendly so that they can feel free to rely on me in terms of studying. Making them visualize the problem or the topic and then...

  • Azimpur
  • 1,000/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 4.0 yr.

My name is Hashem. My university name is East West University and my department name is Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I'm interested in teaching math, physics, chemistry, and electrical and electronics engineering courses. Effective teachers are adaptable and flexible and use a teaching style that helps students learn, grow and achieve...

  • Dhaka
  • 4,00010,000/month
  • 4.0 yr.
  • 3.0 yr.

