Business analyst working in banking domain. Require a business analyst working in banking domain to pass the required knowledge for a BA on finance, banking and accountancy.
Need tuitions in Banking. Student is in Class 12 Goa Board. Need help to solve previous year papers. I have about 10 years papers. Might need tutoring help as well.
Want mentorship regarding my bank exam preparation only once in a week that to for hour toanalyse my weak areas and how can I improve My performance especially in quantative aptitude and general awareness. Will pe paying ₹250-₹500 once a week each time you guide.
I am looking for someone who can teach me all-over for bank exams subjects like quantitative aptitude, reasoning, english, banking awareness
Teach me whole for bank exams
Timing should be before 7pm
Looking english teacher for banking, railway ssc examination. I am looking for an online tutor.
Banking,Flexcube teacher required, I am an IT professional.