Business analyst working in banking domain. Require a business analyst working in banking domain to pass the required knowledge for a BA on finance, banking and accountancy.
Need tuitions in Banking. Student is in Class 12 Goa Board. Need help to solve previous year papers. I have about 10 years papers. Might need tutoring help as well.
Want mentorship regarding my bank exam preparation only once in a week that to for hour toanalyse my weak areas and how can I improve My performance especially in quantative aptitude and general awareness. Will pe paying ₹250-₹500 once a week each time you guide.
I am looking for someone who can teach me all-over for bank exams subjects like quantitative aptitude, reasoning, english, banking awareness
Teach me whole for bank exams
Timing should be before 7pm
Seeking a banking expert with experience in setting up and incorporating banks, as well as detailed knowledge of various departments.
I am looking for a tutor who teach me FRM . Currently I am doing job in the banking sector. I am available at weekend can take classes on Saturday and Sunday.
looking only for someone who knows Basel 3 framework (Operational Risk) requires how to apply "the standardized approach" only this
Looking english teacher for banking, railway ssc examination. I am looking for an online tutor.
Banking,Flexcube teacher required, I am an IT professional.
Je cherche une personne qui va m’apprendre l’anglais afin d’améliorer mon niveau d’anglais surtout sur le plan professionnel.
Mon objectif est de parler couramment l’anglais.