Online A level Biology tutors in Johri Bazar, Gangori Bazar

I try to make students understand more than just learning because if they understand properly they will never forget..
Already there is a lot of pressure on students like studies, assignments and other activities and because of that they loose creativity and learning by trying, by making mistakes, by experiance. My way of teaching is very...

  • Vaishali Nagar
  • 4,00015,000/month
  • 2.5 yr.
  • 6.0 yr.
  • 7 km

My explanation way is very smooth and easy to understand for weak and average student. I also used some models, project and charts in teaching which are very beneficial for students. With my experience i also handle all type of student to teaching. I got good responses from parents and students for my teaching style. All students likes my...

  • 302022
  • 5001,000/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 2 km

