Nigerian Pidgin English home tutors in Awoyaya

Friendly but serious minded English/literature and Nigerian pidgin English teacher.
I teach with a lot of examples and exercises to make sure you get to understand better and have no problems with the topic later on.
I have successfully tutored 12 teenagers and 5 kindergarteners in English, 3 adults and one teenager in Nigerian pidgin English...

  • Road 13
  • 10,00025,000/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 6.0 yr.
  • 1000 km

Teaching is deliberate, intentional and goal oriented, it is a profession for professionals. I am one, having taught for years with worthwhile results and response from my language students. I am a Language services provider, who utilizes the best language teaching methodology to impact other learners. I have taught over 40 students, 2nd...

  • Victoria garden City
  • 1040/hour
  • 7.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 1000 km

