Meet Rajneesh Kumar, the fearless fighter! For three years, Rajneesh has fearlessly honed their skills and emerged victorious in karate, boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts. What sets Rajneesh apart is their unwavering dedication to improvement and their indomitable spirit. With boundless enthusiasm and a positive attitude, Rajneesh...
Meet Pankaj Kumar, the fighter! For three years, Pankaj has fearlessly honed their skills and emerged victorious in karate, boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts. What sets Pankaj apart is their unwavering dedication to improvement and their indomitable spirit. With boundless enthusiasm and a positive attitude, Pankaj practices diligently...
I AM Raj Kishan Shotokan Karate instructor 3rd Dan Black Belt SKIF Japan, my organization is official branch SKIF Japan. teach Shotokan Karate in last 18 years as a professional. my teaching skill is shotokan karate specially Kata and Kumite also Self Defence Karate form, i have received black belt certificate Legendary Master Soke Hirokazu...