English for all competitive exams home tutors in DOHS Baridhara, Gulshan

  • Gazi Fahad MA in TESOL at Dhaka University • IELTS Trainer

I have been teaching English for 7 years. I take special care of my students helping them achieve excellence in their academic and professional life. I cofounded "Center for Educational Development and Advocacy Language Club" in 2018 where I designed the syllabi and developed the materials for IELTS and Spoken English course. I founded Larnity, an...

  • Savar Union
  • 4,000/month
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 7.0 yr.
  • 12 km

My approach to teaching is centered around making the learning materials as easy to comprehend as possible for the students. Furthermore, exercising patience in dealing with the difficulties faced by the students is of great significance to me. Auxiliary reading materials with a view to invoking the passion with regards to learning for the...

  • Dhaka
  • 4,00015,000/month
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 12.0 yr.
  • 3 km

