Title: The Multifaceted Journey of a Software Developer: Balancing Experience, Education,
and Teaching. Embarking on a career in software development is akin to navigating a
multifaceted maze where each turn reveals new opportunities and challenges. For me, this
journey has spanned eight years, encompassing academic exploration and...
I am a trained Computer Engineer with a Masters’ in Computing Systems. I have more than 20 years of experience, being a University Faculty, Trainer, Coach and Mentor. As a Faculty, my focus has always been to help my students to reach their goals and achieve success. As a Trainer, I have helped participants with their understanding, which has...
In my opinion, effective learning takes place in environments conducive for the learners as well as the tutors. Learning environments include the physical environment, sociological factors, psychological influences, as well as other factors within and around the learners and tutors/teachers. These factors go a long way to determine the extent of...