Myself A.R.PRIYA .professional chess coach .played under 7 9 12 14 DISTRICT STATE AND NATIONAL CHMAPIONSHIPS .Got top 2 in every nationals .state champion 2000 to 2012 .After participated in intercollege and having FIDE RATING 1975..many students under my COACHING participated and got rating also .normally i choose the students age at 5 15 years...
Chess beginner course 1 :
pieces, squares, files, ranks.
Chess beginner course 2 :
capture, attacking the pieces, defence.
Chess beginner course 3 :
check and checkmate.
Chess beginner course 4:
Mate in 1,Castling, pawn promotion, enpassent.
Chess intermediate course 1:
Check mate with queen and rook,
Check mate with 2...